Full scale assault on the public opinion has been launched by left leaning media companies since the election.
The counter thrust has come from the right and has been fierce.
#bidencheated is trending and simultaneously being shadow banned by Twitter.
Much evidence has come to light at the hearing at Gettysburg.
Voter irregularities, voter fraud are both appearing to be wide spread and massive.
The main stream media and reporters are reading scripts saying the exact opposite of the facts, presumably because of these allegations are found out to be true there will be treason charges brought against those who can be proven to have knowingly attempted to attack the United States through massive election fraud.
One thing is for sure, this is the biggest crime possibly in the history of the United States of America.
I will document all I can since hundreds of pages are being released as evidence weekly, hearings at Arizona Michigan Georgia are likely to take place within the following few weeks.
Pennsylvania already has had their legislature put forth legislation to reclaim theor constitutional authority over their states delegation, which choose the president of the US. The left is claiming the Republicans are wrong even though what they are doing is constitutional.
The left has been out of control in their resistance towards Donald Trump the past 4 years, it's no surprise they are creating an imaginative alternate reality for the facts that are occurring, the main stream propaganda outlets have many millions in their audiences, and due to many factors the people may have forgotten their individual responsibilities to maintaining their freedoms.
If the media propaganda machine doesn't back down even though you get congress to vote TRUMP or if the SCOTUS votes TRUMP, you can end up with a rebellion against the country.
It would require outside intervention from a foreign government due to idiocracy of these young inexperienced larpers, but the threat is real, they already have funding, and radicalization. It is more likely to get far leftist lone wolf attacks or the mobs who burn loot and murder randomly based on any events they can use for their own political interests.
The constitution and conservatives hold strong, the country is united behind truth and justice, the cheaters have already lost, they just dont know it yet.
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